Acupuncture Improves and Prevents Breasts Disorders
Acupuncture provides women who wish to prevent or cure breast disease, a supplementary and complimentary approach to traditional healthcare and medical services.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) places equal importance on the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It views them as being part of one complete circle rather than loosely connected pieces to be treated individually.
Our emotions and how we deal with them have just as much effect on our health as the foods we eat and the exercises we practice. In ancient Chinese medicine, it is believed nerve involvement and emotions play a significant role on the impact and incidence of breast disorders. Ancient Chinese medicine believes the internal bodily fluids are modified and unable to flow freely in response to women’s daily change in stress levels, frustration, unresolved anger, emotional loss and traumatic events can play a part in the development of all types of breast disease, both benign and malignant. Nodules can form as the Qi becomes thickened and clogged. Nodules tend to develop in areas where Qi flows naturally and most abundantly such as the breast, chest and upper back. By letting go of negative emotions, you can change your body’s energy frequency.
The use of acupuncture offers significant benefit to not only relax the body, mind and soul but also stimulate the flow of Qi along meridians so as to prevent the stagnant development of nodules in and around the breast, chest and upper back and, therefore, reduce the risk of developing breast disorders.
Research has proven Acupuncture to be the best way of relieving hot flushes present in breast cancer patients treated with the anti-estrogen tamoxifen following operation, and researchers have also found that patients undergoing acupuncture treatment reported decreased postoperative pain, without the harmful side effects of other medications and many report having more energy, a greater sense of well-being, and an improved sex drive. Acupuncture helps lessen the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation by helping the body expel toxins introduced by these treatments.
Chinese medicine has many effective treatments for benign breast conditions such as fibrocystic breast disease, mastitis, and premenstrual breast pain. Lumpiness or pain indicate a treatable internal imbalance, so don’t hesitate to get help if you have such a condition. It could be important for your long term breast health.
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Massage is excellent to circulate the lymph glands and restore the flow of energy in the breast area.
One form of treatment in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is to use food as medicine. A doctor of TCM can recommend foods for breast-cancer prevention and treatment, as well as tips for eating in harmony with your body’s natural cycles. Try to eat a varied diet that consists primarily of vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, some grains, and some seafood. Diets high in vegetable based fiber and low in dietary fat (15 – 25%), have lower rates of breast cancer. Especially the cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage). Avoid pesticides; eat local organic foods when available.
Exercise releases stress as well as improving sleep, appetite, and mood. Research studies prove both aerobic exercise and weight training have been shown to be beneficial in reducing symptoms in women of all ages including sleep disturbances, depression, fibrocystic breast disease, and breast cancer. Yoga and meditation can be used to release the stress and pressures of modern life.
Don’t forget monthly breast self-examination
Acupuncture is commonly found to be an excellent source for complimentary, or supplementary, care when combined with traditional medicine.
Breast health in particular and overall health in general is a lifelong commitment. Different women will have different health care needs and issues. There is a lot that you can do for yourself to maintain breast health for life.