What Is Chinese Herbal Medicine?
Chinese Herbal Medicine is a system of herbal treatment, it is not applied in the way that most herbs and medicines are used in our Western world. For example, all medicines (including herbal medicines) under western schools of thought are used because they are known to produce certain effects. Chinese Herbal Medicine is used to re-harmonize imbalances in the body. Therefore, a cough would not be treated by choosing an anti-tussive alone. It must first be determined where the cough is coming from, and then the appropriate group of herbs would be combined to treat the problem.
Chinese Herbal Medicine is a complex system which is dependent on the knowledge and experience of a skilled practitioner. Chinese formulas are comprised of herbs designed for each individual patient. This special formulation is crucial because these formulas must be delicately composed for the purpose of achieving balance in each disharmonious state of being. Any deviation in dosage or herb composition can change the entire focus of the formula and therefore, the results.

Chinese Herbal Medicine
At Lifestyles, we believe health is not merely the absence of disease, but also a definite feeling of well-being and balance – mental, emotional and physical. Chinese Herbal Medicine is a big part of that philosophy.
The prescription will typically consist of two packets of herbs, which is enough to make one week’s worth of herbal tea. The herbs are prepared by decocting (boiling) them in a pot made of glass, pottery or porcelain, stainless steel is acceptable, until a strong cup of tea remains. Typically, a half cup of tea is taken twice daily a half hour before breakfast and dinner.
Why Customized Herbal Formulas?
The reason a formula needs to be customized is as wide ranging as there are different types of people. As an example, two women may both suffer menstrual cramps, one woman may have a robust constitution while the other a more fragile constitution. Giving these two women the same prescription would not only be less than ideal, but a general pre-packaged formula prescribed for all types of menstrual cramps may not be effective and in fact harmful depending on the particular presentation of the patient.
A custom herbal formula also rarely remains the same from visit to visit. As a patient’s presentation changes (which can be subtle but will be observed by a capable doctor), the prescription must be modified accordingly. For example, if a patient with menstrual cramps also has poor digestion, the first few weeks of formulas may treat both symptoms but focus more on improving digestive function. After digestive symptoms improve, the emphasis of the formula can be shifted to menstrual cramping. The prescription will be modified again as symptoms of cramping begin to disappear. Very few prescriptions should be taken long term without modification, because you are constantly changing.
Unlike pre-packaged formulas that cannot be adjusted, herbal formulas made from loose herbs can be easily modified to suit the patient. Most pre-packaged formulas are intended to treat a specific symptom, but patients usually have a complex presentation with various symptoms, each requiring careful consideration. The addition or subtraction of just a single herb can have a significant impact on the effect of a formula. Customizing the formula is essential to obtain maximum therapeutic effect.
In What Form Do Chinese Herbs Come?
Raw Formulas
A raw formula consists of carefully individually weighed unprocessed herbs placed together in individual bags. One bag is boiled to produce a tea for either one to three days. These formulas are best boiled in a clay herb pot which assists in even cooking and the preservation of the medicinal properties of each herb formula, however, glass, porcelain or stainless steel is also acceptable.
There are different cooking instructions for different formulas, so you should consult your doctor on your specific cooking instructions. The tea may have a rather bitter taste at first, but most patients quickly adapt to the taste and in fact some patients begin to enjoy the taste.
Patent Medicine
This term is used for famous formulas used for generations for common illnesses. They are tiny herbal pellets which are taken two to three times daily. A standard dose may be as high as 8-10 pills three times per day. The reason for this is because these pills are so tiny. Taking herbs in this form is sometimes more practical for the patient who does not have as much time. However, they are pre formulated based on a specific problem. If your problem does not fit the specific indication, your practitioner may choose to give you a raw or powdered formula.
Freeze Dried or Freeze Dried Pills
These are raw formulas cooked and freeze dried. The benefit of using this method is the same as the raw formula itself less the cooking time involved. However, as effective as these formulas are, raw formulas are still the strongest method for taking Chinese herbs.
Tinctures are available in pre-packaged form and on special order. This method is comparable to the freeze-dried method.
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Topical Liquids and Creams
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Are Herbal Medicines Safe?
There is never one answer for every problem. Chinese Medicine is based on the foundation of this philosophy. A person’s underlying condition must be taken into account in the treatment of his or her problem. With all of the attention that herbal medicine is receiving these days, the impression is given that if you hear that an herb is good for a certain problem then it must be good for everyone for that problem! THIS IS NOT TRUE! A single herb is almost never prescribed for any patient within the scope of Chinese Herbal Medicine. Formulas must always be delicately composed to protect the patient’s constitution against the possible unwanted effects of the herbs he or she needs to take. This is the way side effects are avoided and higher results are achieved.
Herbal medicines are extremely safe when prescribed by a knowledgeable herbalist. In fact, in contrast with modern pharmaceutical drugs, there are little or no side effects with herbal medicine when prescribed properly. However there are circumstances when some herbs should not be taken, and long term use or large dosages of some herbs can cause health problems. For this reason it is important to take herbs only under the direction of a qualified herbalist.
Can I Take Chinese Herbs With My Regular Medication?
Your healthcare provider should be aware of all medications, vitamins, herbs, and recreational drugs you are taking. Combining any of these substances may or may not be a good idea. It is important to rely on the advice of your healthcare provider.
Is Taking Daily Vitamins Which Contain Chinese Herbs A Good Idea?
Vitamins often contain Chinese Herbs. As we stated above, one herbs or one group of herbs is never good for all people. Using vitamins which contain herbs is not a good idea in our opinion unless you have been advised by your healthcare provider to do so. A good example of this is diet products which contain vitamins and mineral designed to burn fat. These products very often contain a Chinese Herb, Ephedra (Ma Huang). This herb has been shown to stimulate the metabolism. However, in Chinese Medicine it is used as an acute anti-asthmatic for immediate treatment only. If this herb is used long-term it can have damaging effects on the body’s state of health and if taken in a high enough dose, it could stimulate the body so much, it could possibly produce a heart attack. This is a very clear example of a good thing which can potentially save a life being used for an incorrect set of circumstances creating the potential for taking a life. This is why Chinese Herbal Medicine needs to stay in the hands of the professionals who have been trained to use it. Another example is Ginseng. Everyone knows what this is. The problem is everyone THINKS they know what it is good for! The media describes it as something which is good for your immune system, something which is good for energy.
While this is true, if we understand Chinese Medicine, then again we know that what is good for one is not good for all. Ginseng in the wrong hands or taken long term can actually produce extreme lethargy and fatigue! This is the important part of the message that is not being communicated to the public.
What If You Are Already Healthy?
If you are feeling good, you want to stay that way, not wait until disease comes knocking on your door. The beautiful part of Traditional Chinese Medicine is that it emphasizes prevention of disease by maintaining balance and harmony. A consultation with the TCM practitioner can bring areas of subtle disharmony to your attention before they become a problem. Qi, or vital energy, needs to move freely and unobstructed throughout the body. Your TCM practitioner is trained to recognize blockages in this flow, and uses effective tools to keep our inside passages clear. In Chinese philosophy, “stagnation leads to disease.”
Just as a sedentary lifestyle leads to heart disease and diabetes on the organic level, blockage in energy movement leads to disease at the energetic level. As all levels relate to each other, energy problems eventually become organic problems.