Insomnia is a common disorder characterized by a difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep, and is often associated with functional impairment while awake. Daytime functional impairment from insomnia includes drowsiness, irritability, depression, and occupational impairment. Insomnia affects about 40% of women and 30% of men. Insomnia is listed by the World Health Organization as a condition that can be treated effectively using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) including acupuncture.

Insomnia can have many causes; figuring out the cause is an important part of diagnosis and treatment. Acupuncturists take a detailed history, which includes questioning, pulse analysis and tongue diagnosis, to give a complete picture of the patient as a whole. 10 different patients that have insomnia, their treatments may still be different, depending on each person’s constitution (strength and type of overall body and health) and other factors.

TCM & Acupuncture, which actually treats the person, not the disease, helps to balance the body’s energy, strengthen weak areas and move energy where it’s stuck. This is what makes TCM & Acupuncture so individualized and effective: there is no one prescription for a condition. Each time a patient comes in, they are re-evaluated, and each treatment is specifically selected. This is also why it is so common to see all sorts of symptoms clear up – not just the one someone has come in to treat. In every treatment, the whole person is being addressed and treated.

Auricular acupuncture (ear acupuncture) may also be effective to treat insomnia according to a study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.Out of 673 participants, 402 were treated with auricular acupuncture. Those who received auricular acupuncture recorded better improvement than those in the control groups. Additionally, auricular acupuncture produced better recovery from insomnia than diazepam. (Diazepam is a drug commonly used for treating anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and alcohol withdrawal. It was first marketed under the trademark Valium.) Auricular acupuncture was preferred over the control interventions for increasing duration of sleep up to six hours per night, for remaining asleep during the night, and for feeling refreshed upon waking.
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Moxibustion, or the burning of an herb over points on the body, can also be useful.

Chinese herbal formulas can also be effective in helping balance one’s energy and allowing sleep to come more easily. Diagnosing the underlying cause is very important when choosing herbal remedies. There are many formulas which could help treat insomnia; a trained Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner has studied Chinese herbs to determine the correct formula for your constitution.

No matter what the underlying cause, insomnia is a common condition which acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can have a profound effect on treating.