Diabetes is a major health problem worldwide. Blood sugar regulation attained by standard methods alone is often not adequate to avoid common secondary effects of diabetes including cardiovascular diseases, degenerative eye conditions, limb numbness and pain, skin ulceration, and kidney failure. Thus, investigating other avenues for aiding the treatment of diabetes and its secondary consequences is essential.

Chinese medical treatment of diabetes dates back over 2000 years and includes herbal prescriptions, acupuncture including auricular seeds, lifestyle and dietary recommendations. Studies have shown in 66% of patients, acupuncture eliminated initial symptoms by the end of one month and dropped fasting blood-sugar levels below 130 and reduced the 24-hour urine-sugar content by 30% or more. 26% of patients symptoms were improved but not gone. Further, patients receiving acupuncture experienced a statistically significant decline in cholesterol, triglycerides, and beta-lipoproteins and a significant improvement in blood circulation. Among those who were using insulin, the amount needed after acupuncture treatment declined in 75% of the patients, in 25% of those cases, the insulin could be stopped altogether. None of the patients showed any side effect.

Acupuncture has shown to help diabetic patients in the following ways:

  • lower blood glucose content;
  • lower the release of pancreatic glucagons;
  • reduce the urge to eat too much, excessive thirst and excessive passage of urine;
  • prevent slowing of motor nerve conduction;
  • improve microcirculation and myocardial contractility;
  • enhance blood outflow and regulate vascular peripheral resistance;
  • exert antiatherogenic, antioxidant and immunomodulating effects;
  • obliterate atherosclerosis of the legs;
  • induce secretion of endogenous beta-endorphin;
  • prevent long-term complications, especially cardiovascular diseases;
  • decrease or eliminate the need for medications or insulin therapy.

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Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine work! Treatments are individualized -created specifically for you. There are over 200 Chinese herbal prescriptions used in the treatment of diabetes alone and through an in-depth consultation, looking at your constitution and unique symptoms a treatment plan is devised. Taking these steps now can lead to a healthier future.